June 24, 2008

Review: Open

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , at 9:53 am by Kathleen

I finished reading Open by Jenny Block a few days ago, and life has been insane since then so I haven’t had a chance to share my thoughts.

As a polyamorous person, there was not much new in the book for me.  I could relate to the struggles and the rewards of poly that were shared in the book, but I felt like too much of the book was statistics and figures and too little Jenny’s story for my own taste.

The good news is, for people who know little about poly or who are curious about the lifestyle, this book works like a textbook, teaching you everything that you ever thought you needed to know about poly, humanity, and sexuality and then some.  It is woven together with Jenny’s story, making it interesting and engaging instead of a list of facts and figures.

I think a lot of my readers would enjoy the facts behind the thoughts that can be found in this book, including statistics on things like the estimated number of cheaters in America.



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